An exclusive Autobiography of Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan, drawn in the iconic Japanese manga art style, has been published! If you’re a fan of manga comics and anti-aging pioneers, then you’re in for a treat with this incredible publication by one of Japan’s most respected regenerative medicine associations!
The Founder and Chairman of European Wellness Biomedical Group may be one of the most successful individuals in the field of anti-aging and regenerative medicine today, but few know about his humble origins and the hardships that the illustrious scientist and business leader has faced throughout life.
From spending his early years studying to escape a life of poverty, to the years spent travelling the globe and studying biological regenerative medicine with his wife Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Michelle Wong, to a tragic moment that led to his passion for developing life-changing solutions for people with chronic health conditions – the manga tells it all in its charming manga or Japanese comic book/graphic novel style.
Published by MMJ (Multi-Dimensional Holistic Medical Team Japan), a regenerative medicine association of Japanese doctors, clinicians, and physicians, through Sunsynergy Co, Ltd., the autobiography was modelled from a recent interview with Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan and was specially done in appreciation of his immense educational contributions to MMJ and Japan’s professional biomedical community as a whole. We think they did an AMAZING job!
The manga was unveiled in Tokyo, Japan on December 18, 2022 during an MMJ event, which also included a graduation ceremony of MMJ’s doctors from European Wellness Academy’s certification programme as well as an exciting revelation: the official publication of the Japanese Edition of Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan’s and Prof. Dr. Dmytro Klokol’s “Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine: Carpe Diem – Carpe Vitam!” – a world first!
What’s next? Well, we’ve also been informed that an anime movie about Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan is also in the works… so be sure to stay tuned by following our social media! 😄
For more information on the manga and new Japanese Edition stem cell textbook, contact:

About Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan –
About MMJ –
About MMJ Academy –
About European Wellness –
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