TOKYO, JAPAN: On December 18, 2022, the world’s first Japanese-language academic textbook on stem cells – the Japanese Edition of “Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine: Carpe Diem, Carpe Vitam!” by European Wellness Biomedical Group’s Chairman Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan and Head of Medical Advisory Board Prof. Dr. Dmytro Klokol – was published.
Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan, visionary scientist and business leader, has spent the last 39+ years studying how to prolong and improve one’s quality of life. In the process, he successfully pioneered stem cell research in Asia Pacific and Europe, developed educational networks across the globe, built an internationally-accredited chain of hospitals, clinics and wellness centres, and brought anti-aging solutions and biological regenerative medicine into the mainstream.
Fellow researcher Prof. Dr. Dmytro Klokol has more than 25+ years of experience in the medical field, having specialised in general surgery for his PhD degree and trained in minimally-invasive surgery and surgical endoscopy before finally focusing on aesthetics, regenerative medicine and stem cell research. Like Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, he is an accomplished anti-aging expert who tours the globe presenting on medical conferences and contributes massively to modern stem cell therapy research.
Now, more than ever, their work resonates with Japan’s unique situation.
With nearly 30% of its population at 65 years of age or older, Japan has the highest proportion of senior adults in the world, prompting the need for advanced anti-aging solutions as its society struggles to take adequate care of the elderly. The Japanese government led the way by intensifying efforts to legalise and set safety standards for regenerative medicine in the country, with an eye towards making stem cell treatments a part of their healthcare system. In fact, European Wellness’s array of Swiss/German-based therapeutics, skincare, and anti-aging products are all allowed to be legally imported into Japan and sold by its doctors and medical institutions – a testament to Japan’s commitment to embracing cutting-edge medical advancements.
These initiatives have accelerated stem cell research in the country, solidifying Japan’s status as one of the most medically advanced nations in the world. But now, the need for a gold standard reference for stem cell therapies has risen as Japanese doctors, physicians, clinicians, and researchers look to expand their expertise in this field.
It is within this context that the Japanese edition of “Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine: Carpe Diem, Carpe Vitam!”, published by Sunsynergy Co, Ltd., comes in. According to the supervisor of the new publication, Prof. Dr. Isso Kimura, the book is highly regarded by the Japanese biomedical community as a ‘Bible of Stem Cell Therapy’.
“Although Japan’s stem cell research is at the top level in the world, the current situation in Japan is that the achievements of actual clinical medicine are lagging behind those of other countries. However, I believe that this book will serve as a ‘bible’ for stem cell therapy in Japan and contribute to the further development of the clinical practice of stem cell therapy,” he enthused.

The book was officially unveiled on December 18th, 2022 in Hotel New Otani, Akasakamitsuke, Tokyo, in conjunction with a MMJ (Multi-Dimensional Holistic Medical Team Japan) event that included the Graduation Certification Ceremony of its doctors from an European Wellness Academy programme, with Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan himself attending as a special guest and speaker.
Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan is a global leader in stem cell research. In addition to being the Chairman and Founder of the internationally-acclaimed European Wellness Biomedical Group, he currently sits in the Board of Directors for Europe’s oldest and largest preventative, regenerative and anti-aging scientific body, ESAAM (European Society of Preventive, Regenerative, and Anti-aging Medicine), is Associate Professor of AASCP (American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians), Chairman of A4M (American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine) Thailand, Chairman of MMJ (Multi-Dimensional Holistic Medical Team Japan), among many other positions.
For more information on the book, contact:
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For the English/Chinese/Arabic editions of the book, visit here:
About Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan –
About MMJ –
About MMJ Academy –
About European Wellness –
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