Fetal Precursor Stem Cells

from certified closed colony of rabbits of more than 30 generations
(we also offer Autologous Precursor Stem Cells from peripheral blood of patients)

Our manufacturing of ‘individualised’ prepared stem cell therapy for each patient certainly incorporates all pertinent requirements of ”PHS Guidelines on Infectious Disease Issues in Xenotransplantation” (click here for pdf format) from January 19, 2001 (Federal Register, Volume 66, Number 19, page 8120 – 1). This is the final version of the same regulation issued initially as a ”Draft” on September 23, 1996 (available at Federal Register under 61FR49920). On February 16, 2000, in the case 1 BvR 420/97 (click here for pdf format) the German Supreme Court (‘Bundesverfassungsgericht’) reaffirmed that this type of treatment, which is ruled favourable in German medical practice since the early 50s, had continue to be permitted, whereby Germany had re-established its leadership in this field. This decision of the German supreme court, with the power of law, applies to all member states of the European Union. Legally it is related to certain chapters of the 2001/83/EC European Community Council Directive, that in turn had become incorporated in national laws of all member states of European Union, as mandated by the Maastricht Treaty.

(You can download the entire 2001/83/EC directive , but the size of 380 kB may take some time).

Our manufacturing of stem cell therapy is in full compliance with :

• the decision of the German supreme court in case of 1 BvR420/97
• EC Directives

Our staff has been involved in the research and clinical applications of the stem cell therapy for over 25 years on thousands of patients and we have been using SCT of animal origin since 1998. FCTI’s manufacturing laboratory is set-up, equipped and staffed in compliance with the regulations of PHS, Directives of the European Union Council. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards are strictly adhered in all aspects of the work done in our laboratories.

The safety aspects include :
• a closed colony in existence for over 30 years since 1973
• documented lineages
• bred and raised in captivity with a minimal exposure to vectors of
infectious agents

The rabbit fetuses (and newborns) used by us are and have been remarkably free of any disease. Besides that, rabbits are the sole laboratory animal in which no retroviruses have been identified yet , despite the fact that they should be present in all mammals. It was reported in official medical literature in 1984, that no immunosuppression is necessary if the stem cell transplants are prepared by our unique method. Ample additional clinical evidences since then has further proven no clinically detectable immunogenicity after an implantation of our stem cell transplants. No genetic manipulations are used in the preparation of stem cell transplants by our method.

Stem cell transplants that you will receive from us are live cells prepared especially for you. FCTI proprietary primary cell tissue Culturing for individualised prescription commences from 14-17 days of preparation. We have to synchronize pregnancies of several rabbit females for preparation of stem cell transplants for each client. Since fetal and newborn rabbits are from a closed colony, with a finite number of females, this requires a day or so to coordinate. The preparation of stem cell transplants by primary tissue culture takes 11 days, and their delivery to you another 1 – 2 days.