Day 1 of EWA Summer Seminar (4 August, 2023)
The European Wellness Academy Summer Seminar kicked off with a bang at Hilton Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, with over 100 delegates flying in from over 15 countries (including US, Japan, India, Poland, Greece, Russia, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia as well as from the Middle East and Africa) to congregate in one location!
Our speakers spoke on various topics such as solutions for difficult-to-treat dermatological conditions, bio-regenerative medicine, cellular therapy, stem cells, prevention of bone aging, hormonal imbalances, peptide-based therapies, and treating complications of metabolic syndrome.
Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan
Prof. Dr. Dmytro Klokol
Prof. Dr. Yuriy Nalapko
Prof. Dr. Olha Nishkumai

Dr. Volodymyr Chernykh
Dr. Margaryta Iemelianova
Dr. Simon Yefimov

Dr. Patricia Pan
All in all, it was an enlightening and riveting session that served as an excellent opener to our 3-day workshop! 🙌
About EWA Summer Seminar:
The 3-day workshop in Kota Kinabalu, organised by EWA (European Wellness Academy), together with partners IACT (International Association for Cell Therapy), IASCT (International Association of Stem Cell Transplantation, USA) and ESAAM (European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine), featured some of the leading experts in their respective fields speaking to delegates consisting of over 100 doctors, physicians, clinicians, practitioners, and other industry leaders across 15 nationalities. It offered a platform for expanding knowledge in anti-aging, biological regenerative medicine, stem cells, youth revitalisation, and cellular therapy – all within the luxurious comforts of Hilton Hotel, set against the beautiful backdrop of the sunny seaside capital of Sabah, Malaysia.
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