
本公司提供先质干细胞、自体先质干细胞、FCTI ASI 治疗法– 通过个人自体疫苗以治疗慢性顽疾如自闭症、蒙古症、大脑性瘫痪、帕金森氏症(震颤性麻痹)、糖尿病癌症等疾病。
干细胞疗法已引入临床实践达 80 年。许多病患,特别是瑞士及德国病患受益于此疗法。胚胎细胞国际科技 (FCTI) 经过二十年精密研究,有关技术已取得革命性改善。有关科技符合优良制造规范,多年的临床经验,促令医师能更有效地医治病患。FCTI 处于再生医学门槛,胚胎先质干细胞以 FCTI 专利原代组织细胞培育取得,具有恢复受损,患病及衰退器官组织功能之潜能。细胞疗法是快速成长的再生医学领域中的领导性生物医学。
BestBrand in Anti-Aging – Bio Regenerative Stem Cells Research
FCTI had the honour of receiving The BrandLaureate Award for BestBrand in Anti-Aging – Bio Regenerative Stem Cells Research, which was one of the most highly-acclaimed awards to be presented by BrandLaureate.

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Outbreak
We now face constant worries about serious health issues. With the current outbreak of the novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and Influenza cases rising globally, there are no natural mechanisms of protection in humans against to combat these infections.
We need to do our best to boost our immune system to better fight off potential infections. The only possible way to reduce the chances of being infected and potentially reduce the severity of the symptoms is by boosting innate immunity. Our body’s innate immunity is the crucial line of defence against infections.
At European Wellness, they offer a safe immunotherapy programs to support your body’s innate immunity for it to perform at its maximum best.

A Journey Through Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan’s Impactful Speaking Engagements (2008–2024)

A Mother’s Hope: Raul’s Journey with European Wellness Treatment

From Law Enforcement to Life Renewal: Tan Sri Bakri’s Battle Against Parkinson’s

Revitalizing Health & Confidence: Puan Sri Nisa Bakri’s Transformational Journey with European Wellness

The Future of Autism Therapy: Exploring Bioregenerative Breakthroughs with Prof. Mike Chan